Category: update

This is an example description.

Summer updates

posted on 24 Aug 2021

I worked on creating and implementing a new algorithm for using information theory to make phylogenetic trees from aligned DNA sequences at the Cummings Lab in UMD.

This project motivated many interesting biological questions, but here is a mathematical one that caught my fancy: Given a function \(f: \{0,1\}^n \to \mathbb{R}\), can one find a polynomial time algorithm to compute the global maximum of \(f\)? One might be tempted to say “ah this is just integer programming” but what happens when there is no meaningful extension of \(f\) to \([0,1]^n\)? This problem arises in computing the optimal split in a tree, where we must maximize the function \(\vert A \vert H(A) + \vert A^c \vert H(A^c)\) over all possible partitions \(A \sqcup A^c = X\) of a finite set \(X\). Here \(H(A)\) is the (empirical) entropy of \(A\). Email me if you have suggestions and find out more about this project here.

New Projects!

posted on 4 Jun 2021

The initial commit of projects is in (hopefully with many more to come). Particular highlights include my undergraduate thesis, code for a couple of projects, and a stash of notes meant for the cramming undergraduate (aka me 2 years ago). Check them out here.

Website is up!

posted on 4 Jun 2021

Finally the website is up! It looks a bit minimal, but that’s kind of the style I meant to go for. I used this template designed by Marc Weitz to start with. The wonders of open source never cease to amaze.